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  • Gandhi Square Precinct announces its major art competition to be held in 2019. 


  • 2D artists from around South Africa are called upon to make online submissions for possible inclusion into the Gandhi Square Precinct art competition. 


  • The theme for this competition is “freedom, prosperity and human rights”


  • Gandhi Square Precinct encourages entries from all 2D artists regardless of where they reside in South Africa and regardless of their experience or education in the art field to submit their art. 


  • The top five finalists will be awarded with cash prizes.  Awards will be for 1st through 5th places.  Also, one of the five finalist art pieces will be displayed on the facade of a 16 storey building being the main focal point on Gandhi Square. 


  • There will also be a video of the winning artists’ artworks on Gandhi Square Precinct website and Facebook page.  In addition, there will also be links back to the artists’ website (if applicable) as part of this achievement package.









  • Competition is open to all 2 dimensional artists.


  • Competition is open to amateur and professional artists.


  • Video art is excluded.


  • Competition is exclusively for South African artists.


  • Artists 18 years old and older may apply.


  • Files must be in JPG format.


  • Experimental and mixed techniques are welcome.


  • There is no limit to the number of images that an artist can submit.  


  • Gandhi Square Precinct and the organizers have full rights to utilize all submitted images for their own display and promotional activities. (no sales of the artwork will take place)



If you have questions regarding the competition, theme or rules, please contact us at









One of the 5 finalist artworks will be enlarged and displayed on the façade of a 16 storey building on Gandhi Square. The remaining winning pieces will be showcased throughout Gandhi Square.


  • First prize: R10 000


  • Second prize: R5 000


  • Third prize: R2 000


  • Fourth prize: R1 000


  • Fifth prize: R500









  • The entry fee is free. A fee of R100 will be charged for entries submitted later than 1 November 2019.









  • Deadline for submission to this art competition is the 1st of November 2019









  • Prepare your images before beginning the submission process. Submissions are only accepted via the Gandhi Square Precinct online process.


  • Digital image files must meet the following specifications:


  • JPG files only


  • Dimensions which will fit the frame on the façade of the building. 


  • Width - 12.6 cm / height - 46.1 cm.


  • Various other specs


  • If the submitted images are not sized properly, the artist understands that Gandhi Square Precinct may have to resize and crop the image to conform to the format constraints. 


  • If any of the winning artworks are not sized correctly, the artist is aware that he / she may be required to redo the artwork to align with the format constraints.


  • Resolution of 72


  • JPG compression quality of 12 (or the highest quality setting)


  • Do not send images of your artwork, which have been framed or contain watermarks.


  • Gandhi Square Precinct may colour correct your images to enhance the overall presentation. Gandhi Square Precinct may crop your images for formatting purposes for use in the canvasing of the image on the facade of the building if your image is chosen.


  • Image name may not exceed 40 characters. Please note that image name is the name of the artwork, not the file name.









  • When submitting your entries, we ask that you provide a short bio (1,000 Word Limit), written in the third person.


  • Tell us a little bit about yourself: your artistic training, your artistic inspiration, media choice, any special techniques used, any prior exhibitions… anything that you might like our patrons and visitors to know about you.


  • Also, include your website URL.









  • Every artist whose artwork is submitted will be notified through the email address provided in the submission.


  • The finalists will be notified via the same email address and their artworks will also be posted to Facebook and Instagram pages for public recognition.









  • The artwork submitted to our competitions will be judged based on the following elements of artistic expression:


  • Interpretation and the clarity of the theme to the viewer.


  • Creativity and originality.


  • Quality of artistic composition and overall design.


  • Overall impression of the art. What is the effect of the artwork in general and as a whole? Overall, does the artwork stand on its own as a complete and outstanding work of art?









Gandhi Square Precinct does not participate in the sales of art.  The top 5 finalists who are awarded prizes will not be permitted to sell their artwork.





Use Rights



  • Artists who submit their artwork to Gandhi Square Precinct website for the art competition agree to the following; That GSP be granted usage of the chosen artwork, only for display, marketing and promotional purposes and that usage of that image is limited to any GSP press releases, GSP event presentations, GSP articles, GSP graphics, GSP slide shows, GSP presentations, GSP event materials and for use on the GSP website.


  • The artist further agrees that GSP can maintain an archive of the chosen artwork for historical documentation and as a record of past art competitions.  This archive will be available for public viewing and be limited to the GSP website (  GSP will credit each image creator with their Artist Name, File Name and the Artist Website, if applicable.  The Artist shall maintain all copyrights of any images that are submitted to GSP.


  • No resale of or exchange of images will occur by GSP.  All images (besides for the top five finalists) contained herein or attached to this website are the property of the artist and the artist retains the sole copyright and all applicable rights to said images.  No images may be copied or downloaded from this website.


  • Artists should read the website's Terms and Conditions page where the artist is agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and the Rules.  










  • Simply complete the form below and upload your artwork file/s​




Submission Entry Form

“Every Child Is An Artist,


The Problem Is How To Remain an Artist Once We Grow Up” 


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